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One of my favorite things about summer is going to my garden to pick fresh herbs and veggies to use for my recipes. Let me make a veggie garden or herb garden a reality for you so you can enjoy cooking all summer long.

After seeing the location, I can provide a customized proposal and cost breakout for the project, until you are happy with the plan.


We can discuss which herbs or veggies you want to grow, as well as some things you should consider while having me create your project.


The overall cost will vary depending on the number of herbs you want in your planter(s) or the size of garden you are looking for, so the best way to determine the cost of a project is to meet with me. If you have a dollar amount you want to stick with, or aren't as particular about which herbs you want to grow, I can work with that too. I'm happy to let you be as hands on or as hands off as you want! Contact me to get a breakdown of the herbs you might want to consider, as well as some things you should think about while having me design your project.


​​argyle APPETITE

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